Monday, March 29, 2010

Steubenville (End of the January 10-day trip posts)

For those who suffered through my mass-post-mania and followed the flight-path of the Eagle Eye Institute to this point, you’ll be happy to learn that this is the last post about the ten-day trip to New York and DC. It I haven’t apologized via post already, I’m sorry that I post so many things at a time and wait so long in between posts. It’s a sign that my life here is so busy and fruitful that organizing my thoughts into a post that’s easy to read and a joy to share gets pushed down the list. Be assured that I’m praying for all of you each day, and to that I’m happily more faithful.

On our way back from the tri p to New York and DC, we made a stop in Steubenville, OH. Coming back to my alma mater is always a joy, spending time with my household sisters is even better. After giving the Eagle Eye girls a tour of the campus I was able to spend most of the afternoon catching up with some of my household sisters and brothers that are still there.

Being a part of Madonna of the Streets household was really my first experience in living community life. It’s not quite the same in light of the intensity of the Eagle Eye Institute, but to have a group of women who you admire and share the same desire to serve Christ with, is an invaluable part of my life.

There was so much peace and joy that came from simply spending quality time with a few of my sisters. Pictures tend to say more than I ever could with words, so maybe I’ll keep this post short as a gift for persevering through these long-overdue stories.

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