Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Word of the day: Waiting

Dear Tuesday: Please find a way to speed up for only part of the day... and then just let the hours hang out until midnight. -Me.

Last night, I slept like a four year old. LITERALLY. I woke up this morning thinking about my nephew, Roman, who is almost four. When Iwas out at their house for Easter, I woke up Easter morning around 5am to Joe sitting Roman down on top of the couch I was sleeping on (I don't think he knew I was there) saying, "Roman, you cannot be awake right now, it's too early. I know you're excited, but everyone is sleeping. Aunt Mary is sleeping, Mommy is sleeping, Grandpa is sleeping... so you need to go back to bed."

I have a very exciting evening coming up. And even though my exciting adventure doesn't start until close to eleven, I found myself tossing and turning all night. "When will it be morning? I hope I don't oversleep..." All kinds of things. Not only did I not oversleep, but I woke up at 6. I haven't woken up that early in months. And I was awake! Weird.

I've been thinking today about the hours spent waiting for something exciting to happen, where time just seems to plod on by, same as yesterday. And then when something new enters the picture, time starts to march forward, taking you easily from one day to the next. Then you have moments of joy that you've been expecting for a while. Those seem to take ages to arrive and then are over in the blink of an eye.

The reality is, that the second hand has been moving at the same pace since the dawn of time. What is it in our experience as human that makes it rush and then ebb?

Question of the day.

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