Monday, October 3, 2011

The Way of Delight

I try, as often as I can, to go out for a bike ride after work. It automatically creates space and distance from the desk and it's good for me too!

I'm a big fan of riding the Rock Island State Trail. The beautiful thing about the trail, especially right now is that it's surrounded by trees. If you've ever read Anne of Green Gables and tried to imagine the way of delight or lover's lane, the Rock Island State Trail is pretty close. In fact, I'm going to allow myself an Anne moment and rename the trail because let's face it the Way of Delight just fits my little trail.

The beautiful thing about tonight's ride was that it took place near sunset. It was hard to tell pedaling forward whether the vibrant and vivid colors I saw in the trees were true fall colors or the very colors of the sunset. The light streaking across the path and breaking through the leaves to fill the path with an otherworldly glow. Couple with that the lazy hum of a few crickets still hanging on in the warm dirt and I found a haven from the business of the world.

A moment I look forward to on every bike ride is right about where I turn around. There's this field of something that has the color of goldenrod and it grows out into the distance. Away beyond it you can see the cars whizzing to and fro as people go home to their families for dinner. And beyond the already idyllic view the sunset lit up the horizon with vivid colors that stretched forward, providing a beautiful moment to just be silent and appreciate life.

It's moments like these that make me wonder why I don't stop more often. There are so many moments in life to simply sit back and smile about, why don't I take them?! I'm going to try to remember soak up all of these delightful fall rays of gold. Life is too full of busy moments not to take advantage of quiet ones.


  1. Love this post, Mary! You are such a beautiful soul to appreciate things like this. I'm begrudging living in the middle of a city right now...but your post brought me out of it for a bit.

  2. I wish I could say I took those pictures Monica! But next time I go for a ride I'll take my camera and replace these with the real deal.

    Kara, I'm glad you liked the post! I was actually thinking of you while I was writing it. And while I was out for the ride because I knew you would have enjoyed it as much as I did!
