Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monastery by Starlight

I walked the gravel road from the conference center to the Sister’s guesthouse apartment, as I do many nights. No matter how caught up I am in my own thoughts, and worries from the day, my steps always halt mid-way.

To see the Brother’s Monastery by starlight, truly is a breathtaking sight. In a place, so removed from the world that the stars stand out like jewels sparkling in the raiment of the king there is peace. Nestled between two copses of trees, the Monastery lights glow happily amidst the night sky. No camera could ever capture its charming light, nor the exact shine of the stars above.

The lights of the monastery are usually on, but the one I like the best is the light of the bell tower. Its position, directly above the chapel doors, which are also bathed in a warm glow of light, fills me with delight every time I pass.

I think what arrests my movements, is the light of the bell tower. My thoughts always turn to the King who dwells just beyond those doors, where an even warmer light glows beside the tabernacle. The star dusted sky is the only backdrop that could be worthy of the treasure within.

It’s these simple moments that cast my hearts to the Father. Others are able to make acts of adoration throughout the day and be mindful of his presence, what a gift. I am still but a novice in being present to the Lord, but when I see the Monastery by Starlight, I remember.

The unanswered question is how do I take that into the rest of my day? How do I leave the world behind and cling only to the Lord, even in the midst of my work, stresses, and trials? It’s possible and therein lies my hope. The Lord waits for me in the small moments of my day, the difficult situations I can offer to Him and in the moments of work. Lord, may that I live moment to moment, striving to be ever nearer to the heart that so desperately waits for my love.

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