Thursday, July 2, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

I was going to write this post on Father's Day...

I am probably one of the luckiest girls on the PLANET. Every day I am reminded in new and different ways just how blessed I was to grow up with my family and to be raised by such outstanding parents.

Aside from the fact that I have assumed the responsibility of carrying on my dad's catch phrases since my parents moved to South Carolina... ("Live and Unrehearsed" "41" "What's the Matter with your Face?" "Hey, how'd you get here?") He's given me a firm foundation on which my faith has blossomed.

My dad knows the strength that comes from holding fast to the truth. To stand tall, even when the wind buffets all around you, and to find peace in knowing that the Lord has a plan. My dad understands that every word that comes from scripture, travels through time to touch his heart in any situation. My dad joins the choirs of angels in rejoicing during the words of consecration, which bring him into the heavenly court to stand before Christ. My dad wakes up early to challenge his mind and read the doctors of the Church.

He has shown me what it looks like to wake up every morning and say YES to God's plan in your life. He has given me an example of a holy man of God who serves his wife and his family, bringing them closer to heaven each day.

Happy Father's Day Dad, you're the best!

1 comment:

  1. I love him so much! Thanks for sharing him with me! :)
