Friday, March 4, 2011

Opportunities for Growth

I was looking at my blog thinking I should probably post something soon. I continued thinking, only to discover that I had no idea what I would write about. Most of things I find new and exciting in my life are other people's news. For example:

  • One of my best friends, Erin Mone, was just awarded the Mater Ecclesia Scholarship.

It's a scholarship that was created to help young people wishing to pursue a religious vocation take care of ther college debt so that they may enter. Erin's monthly premiums will be paid courtesy of this scholarship as soon as she leaves for France in June. Exciting and selfishly sad as I'll have to kiss our phone conversations and hang-out times goodbye. I've always been good at writing letters.

  • My friend Shirley just moved into a new apartment.

She's been wanting to move for a while and has now found a place. The exciting part is she lives near a walking path, so our evening strolls can maybe start back up soon. Also she has a beautiful kitchen and will surely be making fun foods she'll want me to come taste. Best.ever.

  • My older brother and his wife just had their third baby.

Silas David Pometto 7lb 10 oz was born on February 22 at 9:50pm after a smoothe natural labor! Extremely exciting considering the miraculous cure to a complication several months ago. My mom is in Iowa for three weeks helping with the transition, which is great because it's easier for me to drive four and a half hours to go see her instead of the thirteen it takes to get to South Carolina. I'll be on my way to Iowa again shortly: playtime with Roman and Judah, cuddle time with Silas, and gleaning wisdom from mom and RuthAnn, what could be better?

The question is: am I an experience mooch?

With so many of the events that fill my day consisting of the goings on of those closest to me, where does that leave my life? Don't get me wrong, it's not a question that keeps me up at night. I feel that I live a very full life. There are things I would change: I'd be less lazy and actually go to Mass everyday, and my apartment would always be clean. None of that changes the fact that I am loved by many wonderful people.

Lent is coming up, so these ponderings are catapulting me into discerning what my regimine should be for Lent. I'm still working out the details but I am going to live Lent to its fullest potential. How about you?

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