"Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment" by Fr. Thomas Dubay, S.M.
Books find us when they are meant to. I had started this book two years ago and then put it down. Having found it again, I applied myself more diligently. It bothered me for the entire first chapter that the tag line was "Theology of Discernment." Having heard the word "discernment" used by many different people in many different ways throughout my life, I found that I had become a bit jaded toward the word.
This interior resistance was cause to stop and examine myself. This particular word shouldn't inspire a knee jerk reaction of fear. Yet it did. The age old fear of the soul: that God's will won't coincide with your own. In the midst of this revelation, I challenged myself to open my heart to make room for this word in my life again. The more time I spent with this book and Fr. Dubay's patient words, the words of a Father, the more alive the word 'discernment' became. Discernment as the cornerstone to an authentic life brings with it the joy of the discovery of the day and its call for your life.
A very minimalist summary of this book is that it is possible to know God's will in your life, however, it is difficult to know it fully as it is to be known. Often times our own will gets mixed up in the process and we are eager to mold God's will to fit our own. Or, rather, we are eager to find the spiritual fruits of God's will in our own. "...Not all those who think they are listening to the Holy Spirit are listening to the Holy Spirit."
Within the first page, Fr. Dubay bids us to understand that "the root of the whole matter is conversion, complete conversion." Challenging words, to stand always on Christ's fire, as it is heroic. It is the heroic virtue of the saints. Those who responded to Christ's call promptly, habitually, and regardless of circumstance. One of the key virtues focused on is humility, as this is the virtue that allows the soul to see the truth in life as it is. We are called to know ourselves fully so that we may be fully known. To show prudence in obeying our weaknesses and drawing on those strengths we have at our disposal to fight temptation. Humility to cast light into the shadows of the illusion and the darkness of life. This knowledge of self is the necessary precursor to discerning God's will from your own.
Signs of the fullness of Authenticity:
1. Spiritual Direction: seeking the Holy Spirit in the circumstances of your life as you seek to live the Gospel. Spiritual direction is meant to be a guide only, not necessarily a source of teaching. The goal of both the director and the directee should be to allow you to discover and live authenticity.
2. Growth in Prayer: Prayer, the source of love, needs to become intertwined with you and your every day. The goal being to never find yourself separated from prayer.
3. Interpreting Scripture: A living faith is necessary to interpret scripture, as a revelation of the human and divine Word made flesh.
4. Giving Advice: I can't summarize this section, it's too convicting! In the words of Fr. Dubay, " One is fit to advise to the extent that he is virtuous. Study and intellectual competence are important of course, but in the ways of the Spirit a fullness of love has no substitute."
5. Seeking Advice: Do not seek to receive the council you wish to hear. Test the council you are receiving.
6. Speech and Silence: Only speak when it is useful and necessary.
7. Vocational Fidelity: Vocation ought to always be outward facing.
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